Cut my Losses and Hiatus Status

Apr 9, 2008 -

I cut my losses with BIG and EWT. I won't be looking for reentry points any time soon, but BIG looks like it might be a good buy in a couple of days.

I've made significant progress in revising, paper trading, and back-testing my new trading plan. BIG and EWT are two trades that I've made since my revision of the trading plan.

My hiatus from blogging has to do with the fact that I have been studying for my college courses. For me, trading is a hobby. I haven't been consistent enough to call it any where near a career.

This summer, I will be beginning my job at a fortune 500 company.

That is the 411 on my status. As always, I will be looking to improve my trading and learning more from other bloggers out there.


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