Trading Strategy for January 4th 2008

Jan 3, 2008 -

I've entered a couple stock positions this year namely STP and CSIQ. Before I take any further action on these stocks (exit or add to the position), I'll have to see how they do at least for one more day. So far so good, as I am up on my STP position.

TKC, another stock in my portfolio, has taken a hit and isn't looking well technically. I will be looking for a signal to exit my trade or some indication that I should hold on to it.

I screened some stocks this evening and came to the conclusion that:

1. The gold, in the short term, looks overbought at this point.
2. Shipping industry doesn't look like it has recovered yet.
3. Citigroup's stock (C) still looks like death.

Those in my watch list include DECK, NKE, and AAPL.


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