Nov 24, 2007 -

rssHugger is a new website developed to help bloggers promote their blogs and help visitors discover new blogs. If you own a blog, you can get your own page on rssHugger for 10 years for giving an review of the site on your blog. If you want to join rssHugger but do not want to review the site, you can pay a one time review fee of $20.

rssHugger will be the first ever quality, spam free, and viral rss directory strictly for bloggers. To learn more about what rss feeds are or how owning an rss page can benefit you; visit the About page.

rssHugger has a top 100 as well as random page to let the visitors get to your site. rssHugger is all about generating buzz and finding new content. Much like stumbleupon in that respect.

Now for Free!
It appears that the community has spoken and now rssHugger does not cost a thing if you write a blog post about it. If you still don’t want to write about it then just pay the $20.00 and you’ll get your blog listed. This should help the site grow quickly without the fee.

Buzz works! It can work for small and start-up businesses, as well. Why wait, join rssHugger now!!!


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