BLOG RUSH is the New Way to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Sep 16, 2007 -

Every blogger or person with a website is always looking to increase traffic. Nowadays there are so many widgets and marketing tools such as Technorati. Unlike other marketing tools, Blog Rush seems to be more appealing. It was just released John Reese, supposedly the king of internet marketing, on a new site called Blog Rush.

Here is how it works:

Sign up for a free account, enter some information about your blog, select a category of your blog, and add a RSS URL, and then copy and paste the widget html.

When the widget loads there will be five different blog links. These blog links come from users like yourself. It's a excellent way of utilizing viral marketing.

How does this widget bring you traffic?

You blog link will be displayed on the widget. The number of times your blog url is shown is based on how many views your blog gets. Lets say that your blog gets 1000 views per day. That means your blog will be viewed 1000 times on other blogs who also have the BlogRush widget. If you refer another blog to the network and they do 1000 page views per day, you’ll get your shown another 1000 times. This goes down for ten generations.

Basically, your link gets shown everywhere!

Here is a video that explains this further:


Nick M. said...

Hey Kevin,

Nice Blog as well! Its an interesting blend of stock trading info, tech info and hot chicks...what more could a guy want? I notice that you are also a fan of Charles Kirk. I also follow his work and consider him an important influnce on my trading and investing strategy. Thanks for posting the info about Blog Rush, sounds like an interesting way to increase traffic to ones site. Again, nice site. I will be checking back to read more of your informative posts. Again, thanks for checking out my blog as well. Take care.

Nick (Ambitions As a Trader)

Zita Gustin said...

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for your comments on my blog. I thought I would stop by and visit your site. Very nicely done. I'm guessing that you found me on the Blog Rush Widget. Wordpress does not allow the Widget on their site so I have to figure out another way to promote it. I have a mirror site on Type Pad and the Blog Rush Widget works just fine over there. Thanks, again, and best of luck to you!

Zita Gustin

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